Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Walking and words!

Hello all,
We have had some fun and busy days in our household lately! I cannot believe that it is already October 20th. Where has October gone already. I told Min last night that I feel like yesterday should have been Oct 1st. I think that as Ayden's 1st Birthday draws near the time in our household seems to fly by even faster than usual... this makes me happy yet sad that our baby boy is turning one! Happy in many ways but sad that the first year and all the fun milestones; I have been told though time and time again that it gets better with every day, month, year... and we anticipate that very much!In the last month and a half or so, Ayden has grown bunches. He is now walking, as of the last two and a half weeks, and has began to mimic us in words and sounds, actions and giggles!! He is too funny when we are laughing about something he will just break out in laughter. :) His personality is continuing to develop in ways that we just love and he is beginning to learn more and more the word no-no; for the most part he is a very good listener, and we are thankful for that... but we know the two's await us. :)Ayden loves to walk!! He loves to hold toys or really anything in his little hands as he walks in circles around our couches and kitchen! He lately has become obsessed with our bedroom because Daddy's computer is in there and he loves to play with the keys on the keyboard and mouse. His room is straight down the hall from ours and when we leave his room he 9 times out of 10 makes a MAD dash for our bedroom, even if the door is closed he will attempt to push it open in hopes for some computer time :) I love these moments because we see his personality even more.Last week because of the rainy weather conditions Min was able to be home early from work a few days and this was really a fun time for the three of us! We are so thankful for God's timing and just the ability to take time together!! We are hoping to make it to the pumpkin patch this weekend, weather permitting, so that Ayden can discover pumpkins!! I am very excited about the pictures that will come from this adventure!!In the next few weeks we have some fun things to look forward to:
1) The Fall Festival at church on October 31st; this is Ayden's first time and it should be fun!!
2) Grandma Ho is coming to visit on November 17th!! We are so excited for her to come and see Ayden and our home!
3) Ayden turns ONE on November 19th!!!! Wow how time has flown and how thankful we are for Ayden's life!!
4) Ayden's Birthday party on November 21st!! First taste of cake and ice cream coming your way Ayden James!! :)
5) Thanksgiving! One of my favorite holidays of the year!!!Okay so lastly I will share some of the fun words that Ayden came now say... some better than others!
mama, dada, baba, night night, uh-oh, dog, star, stinky, and lots of other babbles and giggles!
He can makes the sounds for a doggie, snake, monkey and make a fishie face... now he is forsure not a pro at these things but these are the fun words and mimics that we have had so far :)
May you be blessed in this week as you seek and serve the Lord right where He has you!!
Our love sent your way :)


Amanda McAlpine said...

Thanks for the update. It's so good to see the pictures! He IS getting so big! Still looking forward to the day we can meet him! Much love- Amanda

jacksonfamily said...

Kimmy, Clare LOVES our computer, that is so funny. Whenever we are in her room she tries to get into the guest room to push all the buttons!! So thankful for becoming friends with you and Ayden :)

Min and Kimmy said...

Amanda We do miss you guys too! How did your run go and did you get to the Piper conference this year? We have to begin praying about coming to visit!! It would be best when you get your boys to meet everyone ya know!

Melissa we are so thankful for your friendship too!! Gotta love this age of exploration huh!!! :)