Hello all,
This update should have happened about two weeks ago, but we have just been busier than normal, as we are learning to take care of Ayden and still have normal life continue on...laundry, meals, sleep, work, etc. :) Ayden is doing well and growing like a weed. I took him to a lactation consultant when he was six weeks old, just to see how much milk he was receiving at each feeding, and in the first six weeks of his life he gained 3 pounds!!!! He is a great eater and he is gaining weight really well, which makes us happy and feel good about how we are scheduling his feedings. Ayden is now in his seventh week of life and it is crazy to think that in nine days he will already be two months old!! Time really does fly!!! We will take him for his two month Doc appt. on Jan. 21st right before we head home to California for a visit!!
We were blessed to have my mom (grandma Hantz) here for Christmas!! She enjoyed Ayden a bunch and found it hard to depart when the time arrived. While she was here we spent a lot of time in the house, which was kind of a bummer, but with a newborn who feeds seven times a day what can you do. We did get out to a few places though that we really wanted her to see while she was here. We drove about three hours to a city called Ashville to spend some time at the Grove Park Inn. This is a hotel, a very ritzy hotel, that has a gingerbread house contest that is really really cool to see. And the hotel is decked out in Christmas decorations too which is just really fun!!! You can see in our pictures that the houses were really well done and the people that made them spanned from children to adult, which I think is neat!! We also took her to meet the family that I have worked for before Ayden was born. She was blessed to meet the two girls, Elizabeth and Sarah, that I nannied for over a year and their mom Betsy and dad Cape. We took her to eat at some good restaurants here that we only have seen here in NC, such as Cracker Barrel and McAlister's Deli. She loved holding Ayden and taking part in things like baths and changing his diaper, oh the things you enjoy again when your kids are all grown. :) For Christmas we hung around and none of us got out of our pj's the entire day... we cooked and ate yummy food and just enjoyed time together and with the Lord! We enjoyed our time with her and we look forward to seeing her again as the Lord wills.
A quick update on Ayden... in the last two weeks he has really been cooing more and more and after I feed him and lay him on his changing table he and I will talk and Min and I just smile as we watch him find out that he has a voice! He has also had two nights of where he slept seven hours between feedings, Amen!!!!! I don't count on this as routine yet but we are getting closer to him sleeping longer and longer at night time. During the day Ayden still fights sleep and we are working on getting his naps in place during the day. :) Ayden can lift his head by himself, you will see in some of the pictures, Min calls him his Super Her-o. We love watching his little personality develop, he is giggling more and smiling a whole lot, we are still not sure if his smiles are gas or him really smiling :) We are truly enjoying every moment, even the fussy times, and just feel incredibly blessed to have him as our son!!
We hope that you enjoy the pictures and videos we post, we sure enjoy taking them of him. Well enjoy and may you be blessed in the New Year!! We look forward to seeing many of you when we visit home in 20 days!!!