Sunday, July 20, 2008

Half way there...

Hello all,

We pray that each of you is doing well!! Just wanted to give you a quick update with some pictures of my growing belly. :) Today we measure at 20 weeks and 5 days, and the pictures you see were taken today. We just got done this last week with doing Vacation Bible School at church; we worked with the five year old kids and they kept us busy and laughing!! We had a great and busy week filled with many memories!! Overall I (Kimmy) am feeling well; Ayden has been moving more and more. I think he has been moving all along he is just now big enough for me to feel it more often, which is different and fun too! I have been asking Min time and time again to place his hand on my stomach so that he could feel Ayden move, and time and time again he felt nothing... until last night!! We were laying in bed and Ayden was moving really strong so I placed Min's hand on my tummy and he felt Ayden move I think twice!!! It was fun to finally have him feel the baby move!! The lady that I nanny for is due in just about a month from now and I am looking forward to having two little girls to take care of in the coming months before Ayden arrives! Okay well we pray that this finds each of you doing well and that you have blessed days ahead! We love and miss you and are thankful for your lives and friendships!!!


Erin said...

you look great kimmy!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! You are so cute with your growing belly! I just noticed that your picture with Min was taken in Mary's driveway! I will check your blog to keep up with what is going on with you, since we don't get the chance to get together very often! Abbie and Lainee say Hi - hope to see you at church tomorrow! Love, Aimee